The Difference in The Length of Stay by General Patients and BPJS Patients with Caesarean Section Procedures in RSIA Dian Pertiwi Karanganyar in 2019


  • Maharani Amalia Politeknik Kesehatan Bhakti Mulia
  • Bangkit Ary Pratama Politeknik Kesehatan Bhakti Mulia



length of stay, caesarean section, general patients, BPJS patients


Problems that emerged at RSIA Dian Pertiwi Karanganyar were the length of treatment for general patients and BPJS patients with caesarean section procedures. There was a difference in the average length of stay for general patients by 4 days while BPJS patients are 3 days. Data collection was carried out observational by reviewing inpatient documents on general patient data and BPJS patient data with the caesarean section procedure from the RM sheet 1 summary form of admission and exit of inpatients. The approach method used is retrospective. The results of the analysis of the Mann-Whitney statistical test (0.001 <0.05) so that it can be concluded that there was a significant difference in the length of stay of general patients and BPJS patients with the caesarean section procedure.


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How to Cite

Amalia, M. and Pratama, B. A. (2021) “The Difference in The Length of Stay by General Patients and BPJS Patients with Caesarean Section Procedures in RSIA Dian Pertiwi Karanganyar in 2019”, Indonesian Journal on Medical Science, 8(1). doi: 10.55181/ijms.v8i1.263.




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