Penatalaksanaan Pemberian Rebusan Daun Alpukat Dan Kompres Hangat Dengan Masalah Nyeri Akut Pada Lansia Dengan Hipertensi Di Kelurahan Sukoharjo
rebusan daun alpukat, kompres hangat, nyeri akut, hipertensiAbstract
Hypertension is a condition where systolic blood pressure is more than 120 mmHg and diastolic is more than 80 mmHg. Actions for hypertensive patients by giving avocado leaf decoction as traditional medicine and warm compresses are to provide a warm feeling of the body by using liquids or tools that cause warmth to the parts of the body that need it. The purpose of the study: to describe the administration of boiled avocado leaves and warm compresses with acute pain problems in the elderly with hypertension. Research The research design is a qualitative research, with a case study (Study Case Research) approach to the nursing process. The population is elderly hypertension in Sukoharjo Village. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling approach. Inclusion criteria were age 60 years, blood pressure 140/90 - 160/100 mmHg, pain scale 4-6, body endures pain, protective and caring behavior, focuses on self. The results of the study, pain in the neck, neck, and back of the head, complaints such as dizziness, whiny, drowsy, dizzy eyes, and body feels unwell, pain scale 5-6. Physical examination: attitude to bear pain, holding the area of pain, restlessness and anxiety, blood pressure 120-139/80-90 mmHg, RR: 18-20x/minute, N: 60-100x/minute, S: 36-36.7oC. Nursing actions: giving avocado leaf decoction and warm compresses, 6 meetings within 2 weeks. Response: reduced pain, 0-1 scale, relaxed and not restless, TTV within normal limits. Giving avocado leaf decoction and warm compresses is effective to overcome acute pain problems in elderly people with hypertension.References
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